The true quality comes from experience and ethics. Our company was founded in London, in 1972, and as such is the longest operating branding agency in Europe. Our KPIs are the proof of our high standards. They confirm our steady and outstanding performance. That is why we are a pitch-free zone.
We create smart design that evokes high purchase intent. Our propositions definitely win over competitors’ designs in terms of on-shelf standout. We push brands to sales growth by all manner and means.
See few examples here. Need more? Contact us directly to select more from few thousands of projects completed so far.
Design Services
Our design services offer strategic focus on 360-degree packaging challenges. We investigate your supply chain inside out. We don’t deliver empty brand vision promises, or “strategy bullshit”. We only provide down-to-earth and effective solutions, supported by our Integrated DesignTM approach. Follow our forward-thinking attitude, arm in arm with the CEO and senior brand owners. How could we help your brand?
We have worked on dozens of markets on 3 continents: from South Africa and Congo, through the Middle East, to the independent post-Soviet countries, the economically-advanced Western Europe states and the ever-growing markets of Central Europe.
Our intellectual and operational agility can cost-efficiently turn brand and packaging design into commercial success on any market.
Together with our Greenovation™ Centre in Germany we help brands go through eco‑transformation and reach a sustainable packaging supply chain. We can’t promise you the “hurrah” effect, instead we deliver the uber‑rational and technically-responsible adaptations, focusing on a thorough overall view. How we could help your brand?
Discover our 7 brand investigation tools that are cutting-edge solutions in retail performance analysis. See our Diagnostics for Brand Growth:
Design Audit ™
No research company can provide more accurate results than Design Audit™. The tool converts visible and concealed exposure issues into a specific corrective plan, taking into consideration category management, trade marketing and brand communication.
Contact us!
NPD Ideation ™
It accelerates the joint efforts of the Marketing, Trade, Insights, Supply Chain and R&D teams and facilitates a coherent new product proposition, avoiding the traditional, linear processes. Ask us about the Wow Factor!
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Syncretics ™ Workshop
Shopper Inspector ™
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Design Talks ™
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Visual Planning™
Visual Planning™ improves the efficiency of complex portfolio management and provides a strategic “helicopter view” on the current and future product ranges.
Contact us!
Opportunity Mapping ™
It helps materialise, visualise, structure and plan initial visions and create a product portfolio strategy, using the techniques comprehensive to employees from different departments and specialists from various fields.
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The true quality comes from experience and ethics. Our company was founded in London, in 1972, and as such is the longest operating branding agency in Europe. Our KPIs are the proof of our high standards. They confirm our steady and outstanding performance. That is why we are a pitch-free zone.

We create smart design that evokes high purchase intent. Our propositions definitely win over competitors’ designs in terms of on-shelf standout. We push brands to sales growth by all manner and means.
See few examples here. Need more? Contact us directly to select more from few thousands of projects completed so far.

Design Services
Our design services offer strategic focus on 360-degree packaging challenges. We investigate your supply chain inside out. We don’t deliver empty brand vision promises, or “strategy bullshit”. We only provide down-to-earth and effective solutions, supported by our Integrated DesignTM approach. Follow our forward-thinking attitude, arm in arm with the CEO and senior brand owners. How could we help your brand?

We have worked on dozens of markets on 3 continents: from South Africa and Congo, through the Middle East, to the independent post-Soviet countries, the economically-advanced Western Europe states and the ever-growing markets of Central Europe.
Our intellectual and operational agility can cost-efficiently turn brand and packaging design into commercial success on any market.

Together with our Greenovation™ Centre in Germany we help brands go through eco‑transformation and reach a sustainable packaging supply chain. We can’t promise you the “hurrah” effect, instead we deliver the uber‑rational and technically-responsible adaptations, focusing on a thorough overall view. How we could help your brand?

branded packaging
is where we run our operations from
is where we were founded in 1972
is where we have client service and production allies
is where we located our sustainability centre
is where we cooperate with a sales partner
Contact us!
Design AuditTM
No research company can provide more accurate results than Design Audit™. The tool converts visible and concealed exposure issues into a specific corrective plan, taking into consideration category management, trade marketing and brand communication.
Contact us!
NPD IdeationTM
It accelerates the joint efforts of the Marketing, Trade, Insights, Supply Chain and R&D teams and facilitates a coherent new product proposition, avoiding the traditional, linear processes. Ask us about the Wow Factor!
Contact us!
Shopper InspectorTM
Contact us!
Design TalksTM
Contact us!
Visual PlanningTM
Visual Planning™ improves the efficiency of complex portfolio management and provides a strategic “helicopter view” on the current and future product ranges.
Opportunity MappingTM
It helps materialise, visualise, structure and plan initial visions and create a product portfolio strategy, using the techniques comprehensive to employees from different departments and specialists from various fields.
Contact us!

Analiza strategiczna marki
Analiza strategiczna marki to rodzaj eksperckiej oceny, którą wykonuje się planując wprowadzenie nowej marki na rynek lub rebranding marki już istniejącej. Strategiczna analiza marki koncentruje się na badaniu i ewaluacji 4 filarów tj. 1) obecnego i przyszłego portfolio marki w kontekście trendów konsumenckich, 2) realnej grupy docelowej, 3) pozycjonowaniu marki przez pryzmat insight’u marki i hierarchii korzyści istotnych dla konsumentów i 4) otoczenia konkurencyjnego.
Analiza strategiczna marki
Głeboka analiza obecnego i przyszłego portfolio nierzadko bywa odkrywcza dla właścicieli marki, gdyż w SiebertHead prowadzimy ją w oderwaniu od bieżącego zarządzania firmą klienta i bez historycznych obciążeń. Diagnoza bywa nieprzyjemna i nierzadko narusza kluczowe przekonania co do asortymentu. Analiza marki musi angażować trendy konsumenckie jak konie pociągowe w trudnym terenie. W SiebertHead prowadzimy stały audyt trendów. Zmiany kulturowe i społeczne konsumentów są rzeczywistym poligonem dla badania kondycji portfolio marki i najsilniejszym motywatorem do weryfikacji portfolio.
Strategiczna analiza marki eliminuje powszechne rozumienie marketera, iż konsument jest daną statystyczną więc profil demograficzny to istota opisu odbiorcy. Grupa docelowa powinna to w rzeczywistości zestaw oczekiwań, przekonań i potrzeb niezależnie od wieku. Współczesny konsument jest tak zindywidualizowany, że szerokie targetowanie prawie zawsze jest nieskuteczne.
Marketerzy słysząc: analiza strategiczna marki widzą skomplikowaną prezentację strategów firmy. Natomiast w SiebertHead skupiamy się na ‘prześwietlaniu marki’ przez pryzmat niezaspokojonych potrzebach konsumenta (grupy docelowej) i jego stylu życia. Wraz z zespołem klienta i badaczami stawiamy hipotezy i budujemy tzw. benchmarki pozwalające na zdefiniowanie pełnego behawioralnego profil grupy docelowej, w którym istotą jest hierarchia istotności korzyści oferowanych przez markę. Efektywne pozycjonowanie marki musi stawiać potrzeby konsumenta w centrum uwagi.
Analiza strategiczna marki jest jak auto na bezdrożach z kierowcą bez mapy jeśli nie uwzględnia wieloaspektowej oceny konkurencji. Kluczowa nie jest znajomość marek i działań konkurencji lecz wnioskowanie z ich sukcesów i porażek na potrzeby marki, dla której pracujemy. Eliminujemy myślenie, że mniejsi gracze lub marki spoza kategorii nie są konkurencją. Najbardziej innowacyjne pomysły, te małe i te duże, powstają właśnie na styku kilku kategorii lub/i czerpią z niedoskonałych prób zawojowania rynku przez mini konkurentów. Tak więc odpowiadamy szczegółowo na pytanie: czego możemy się nauczyć od konkurencji?